Monday, April 20, 2015

#65 Wayward Hunt Update + New GG From Soonsiki

Hey Freebers,

Knocked out some of the hunt gifts from The Wayward Hunt <---Website and I am happy to be done as there were soo many places to go.  Here is a highlight of a few things I found and loved. And the pictures below are not myself but pictures is a new H4Fmodel Foxxy.  Find all these items and more by visiting the website for this hunt.

1. League Flora Rocks- Darkness (earrings and necklace).  I really loved the design of this necklace and earings! The hud is an extra plus that allows you to edit and modify the jewelery from League.

2. Garbagglo Bandage Dress Red: This dress is a One size fits all, fitted mesh. You have to modify your shape to get this outfit to work correctly. I love the design.

3. Pichi Velvet Matte Lipstick Spicy Cinnamon: While I like this shade I do think it could have been more glossy.  Find this and other items on the front desk at Pichi as well as the wayward gift box found at the store.  This was 0L

4. Soonsiki Treasure:  I am a fan of Soonsiki hair so when I found this I was shocked at how beautiful it was for a hunt gift. This hair comes with a hud to change colors and even the model was excited to wear it about.  Soonsiki btw is moving over to Besom so future group gifts will be there.  Head there now or find their group in search to sign up for their group and get them before big fee's start popping up to join.

5. Siss Boom Elemental Pink Gown: I really like this gown and if there is a ballroom in your near future, this would be a gown for such an event. I can even see people getting married in this.  I do wish the textures were more updated but this is a decent find.

6.NYU Floral Blouse and Skirt: Is Cute and is perfect for spring time!

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